Expansion of CTS at CREDITAS

22. November 2022

CTS TRADE IT has successfully expanded the CTS platform at CREDITAS. The bank started to use a new module—Own Portfolio Management (OPM)—in the CTS system in November. The module enables the bank to manage its own portfolios, which are separated from the management of client portfolios.

The OPM module enables the maintenance of own portfolios, including the monitoring of acquisition costs, the calculation of realised and unrealised profit/loss (P/L) and the maintenance of accounts for the bank’s main book. It also supports transactions such as amortisation, index-linking, maturity, etc.

“The implementation of the OPM module was a logical step in the expansion of the CTS system at our bank. We have been using the CTS system for trading in securities and maintaining client portfolios for years. The expansion of the CTS system to include the OPM module enables us to deal with this work in a reliable system,” says Ivana Pícková, the CREDITAS director of retail banking and member of the board of directors.

“We are pleased that, together with CREDITAS, we are expanding the CTS system and we are a partner for the bank when dealing with new challenges,” adds Peter Timko, Account Delivery Manager for CTS TRADE IT.
