CTS TRADE IT Helping Česká spořitelna with Online Investments in Shares, Certificates and ETFs

25. January 2023

CTS TRADE IT has successfully integrated trading in shares, certificates and ETFs into Česká spořitelna’s George internet banking service. The bank’s clients can therefore rapidly and simply purchase securities in approximately three thousand global companies from the comfort of their own home using George.

The connection of the CTS system to the George internet banking service makes trading on all the relevant stock exchanges in all the relevant currencies available to Česká spořitelna clients. They can therefore now easily open an online asset account and trade as a one-off or regularly in unit trusts and shares on stock markets in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Japan, the USA, etc.

“As the retail investments market leader, we try to offer our clients modern services, and expanding the options for online investing in George certainly belongs here. I’m proud that we have brought our clients online trading in shares, certificates and ETFs without having to visit a branch. This would not have been possible without integration of the CTS system into our modern internet banking service—George—and without professional cooperation with CTS TRADE IT. This year we will focus more on innovation in our digital investment range; we are currently implementing trading in bonds and premium deposits into CTS,” said Roman Choc, Tribe Lead Wealth Management at Česká spořitelna, of the new functionality.

“Česká spořitelna’s George service is used by more than one million active users and the CTS system now helps facilitate trading in shares, certificates and ETFs on global stock exchanges. We were very pleased by the cooperation on the project, which was directly appreciated, in particular, by the end users, i.e. the bank’s clients. Being part of a successful story, which we have been writing with Česká spořitelna for fifteen years, means that we are obligated in the future to not let up in our work to ensure a high quality of services,” added Pavel Žilák, Account Delivery Manager at CTS TRADE IT.
